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How To End Fear Of Making The First Move In Dating


Обновлено: 29 нояб. 2021 г.

According to psychologists, the first 30 seconds of a date often decide whether or not you can fall in love with your partner

First Move In Dating
First Move In Dating

So it's no wonder that many find it so difficult to take the first step when it comes to love. We're just scared of screwing things up completely.

Self-Doubt Alarm

When it comes to international dating - especially blind dating - the coolest, most self-assured people turn back into 14-year-old teenagers who would love to hide under their bed because of the sheer self-doubt. Again and again we ask ourselves whether we are too fat, too thin, too big, too small or too "whatever". Quite apart from the question of what impressive things we should say so that our counterpart does not think we are a total flat whistle. The pure emotional stress, but that's part of it, right? This uncertainty? The fear of rejection?

Keep Calm

Okay, let's start with the bad news: yes, getting to know someone is emotional stress. Nobody can take that away from you. But the good news is, everyone is like that! And: You can learn to take a more relaxed approach to the matter.

You Need To Love Yourself!

Yes, yes, it's the oldest piece of advice in the world - but it's true. If you find yourself really good, you will also be attractive and personable to others. Why don't you sit down again and write down what is great about you, such as: B. Your sportiness, your intelligence, your hair, your sense of humor, your beautiful eyes. Think about it, there are tons of great things and qualities that make you a great person. And the next time you become an insecure teen, keep all of these things in mind. You will see, you will immediately feel better and more confident.

Don't Be Afraid Of Rejection

Are you worried that after you've gathered all your courage and taken the first step, someone might throw you off? Well, let's say it as it is: you have to be very clear about that. But don't take it personally! Because behind a "No, thank you" there can be thousands of reasons that have nothing to do with you. Perhaps your object of desire is simply already taken, freshly separated, unhappily in love with another person, or simply not in the mood. Or maybe you are just not his or her type. There could be any number of reasons why you're being rejected - after all, you've already handed out baskets. But if you don't try your luck, you might just let a very, very nice experience pass you by.

You Need To Look Great

You don't have to look like Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie to make someone else's heart beat faster. But the saying goes: the eye eats too! Therefore: Take care of yourself and your appearance. Hearts cannot be won without a shower, in sweatpants and hoodie with the rest of your dinner on. Brush up on yourself a little, put on something you feel good about, put on deodorant and maybe even a touch of perfume. That’s a good basis. After that, there is only one rule: stand up straight, look for someone else's gaze and smile! You win hearts with a laugh!

The Final Act

And now let's get down to business: When you approach someone - or go on a first date - you definitely want to make a good impression. But how do you get to such a glamorous performance that melts hearts? If you stick to these tips, almost nothing can go wrong. Just make your first kiss great and everything will go smooth.

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